The Programme Educational Objectives |LS|PEOs|RS| identified for the Bachelors Programme in English Linguistics offered at the Humanities Department are:

PEO 1: Graduates reflect the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for Language and Linguistics professional.

PEO 2: Apply theoretical knowledge and applied skills while interacting with the individuals and aspects comprising the social environments.

PEO 3: Demonstrate professional and ethical values and standards while engaging in professional practice that results in making a positive social impact.

PEO 4: Develop technical and soft skills that enable autonomous engagement in future academic and professional growth.



  1. Language and Linguistics Knowledge: theoretical and applied knowledge of linguistics and other social sciences subjects for studying and approaching issues involving languages.
  2. Reflection & Critical Thinking Skills: the ability to actively perform reflection, conceptualization and evaluation of issues and problems related to the use of language in the major academic domain.
  3. Analysis and Problem- Solving Ability: the ability to objectively analyze information and synthesize it in order to form a judgment.
  4. Technical and soft skills Development: the development of specific skills pertaining to the discipline of linguistics and other social sciences as well as of social and interpersonal skills.
  5. Outlook towards Profession, Ethics and Society: the development of an understanding of ethical precepts related specifically to the discipline of linguistics as well as to other social science subjects. The development of an attitude of loyalty and duty towards the profession and the society.
  6. Research and Development: theoretical and applied knowledge of undertaking empirical research leading to development.