NED English Access Microscholarship Program (2019-21)

The Access Program (2019-21) is a  Regional English Language Office-US Embassy Islamabad sponsored project implemented by NEDUET Karachi in Cowasjee School, (150 students). NEDUET is a renowned organization working for the first time with US Embassy and RELO programs. Access at Cowasjee has given an opportunity to the deserving lower cadre NED employees’ children and as well as many from within the disadvantaged groups living around the area. The program.

The program at Cowasjee School- NEDUET specifically focuses on the following major goals that are embedded in every project activity and event:

1. Developing Student’s Language Skills: speaking, listening and understanding, reading, writing, critical thinking, and decision making.

2. Enhancing Students’ Communication and Presentation Skills: through maximizing speaking and interaction and presentation opportunities; confidence building, and conversation and interpersonal skills and ethics.

3. Vocabulary Expansion and Grammar strengthening for better language performance: to provide impetus to oral and written output vocabulary and grammar instruction is integrated into all lessons and is practiced in production-based activities/situations.

4. Familiarity and practice in US/American English (AmE): through carefully selected, texts, themes, videos, resources, instructional design, pedagogical strategies, learning tasks, and through AmE modeled by teachers and guest speakers. Major exposure to AmE variety is attained through the vocabulary and expressions that are targeted as part of the two-year language development alongside an appreciation of American culture, history, lifestyle, and values.    

5. Awareness and appreciation of American Culture & Values: through a focus on texts and themes related to the US and mainly through enhancement activities that celebrate American history, society, culture, and way of living. For instance, the celebration of African -American history, heroes, like Martin Luther King, etc.

6. Global Citizenship education (Consciousness-raising about the contemporary world and its issues): Awareness about the contemporary world, 21st-century values, mindset, attitude, behaviors that make us a better citizen of the planet. Preference for values that are basic tenets of a civilized society and concern for the contemporary social issues threatening humanity are nurtured.  Universally acknowledged democratic and civic values such as   Equality, Equity, Integrity, respect, tolerance, justice, human rights, justice, concern for humanity and the environment are essential themes around which lessons, discussion, guest speaker sessions, and thematic activities are planned to create awareness and attitude to make them contribute to the communities locally and globally. 

7. Promoting Digital Literacy/ICT Skills: Awareness and skills in using computer tools and applications for literacy and technology-embedded education. CALL |LS|computer-assisted language learning|RS| and MALL |LS|mobile-assisted language learning|RS| are important pedagogical approaches used by teachers in planning the instructional design for each session. 

 Access Team  Recruitment  

Following service agreement formalities, the Access team positions were announced through advertisement on official websites and facebook pages of the Humanities Department, NED University and of US Consulate. Around 150 applications were received by the deadline. The eligible candidates’ qualifications were compared through summaries. Both summaries and CV’s of the candidates were shared with the officials from US Consulate. The candidates were shortlisted and interviews were called on 16th November 2019 at the  Lincoln Corner PACC Karachi between 9:00 to 1:00 pm. The Interview panel comprised Mr. Cameron Thomas Shah and Ms. Aisha Amanullah from US Consulate, and Dr. Sajida Zaki from NED University. They interviewed 30 shortlisted people for the five categories: Coordinator, Teachers, Substitute Teachers, Teacher Assistants and Finance Person. Based on objective criteria also advertised with the vacancy hiring, the following individuals were selected.




Quratul ain Waqas

Academic Coordinator


Muhammad Asim Khan

English Language Teacher


Ambar Naz

English Language Teacher


Mariam Aftab

English Language Teacher


Muhammad Hassan Abbasi

English Language Teacher


Warisha Atiq

English Language Teacher


Irum Zaheer

English Language Teacher


Rozmeen Shahzad

Substitute English Language Teacher


Batool  Naqvi

Substitute English Language Teacher


Bismah Sarwat Aziz

Substitute English Language Teacher


Lalain Ehtesham

Teacher Assistant


Rehma Khan

Teacher Assistant


Muhammad Faroooq


After the commencement of the program a need was felt for the support required at the venue on daily basis for the provision of logistics and the maintenance of venue. The following support staff were also inducted to extend the support to Access Project


Muhammad Iqbal

Office Staff


Muhammad Nadeem

Naib Qasid



Janitorial staff