
To provide a broad-based education focusing on multidisciplinary approach to social sciences to prepare individuals interested in English Language and Linguistics for a variety of career paths. To equip students with a strong combination of theoretical and applied methods within the core and allied disciplines that enables them to contribute to the society at personal, community and national levels in variety of domains education, professional development, media and communication, applied linguistics.


It is the mission of the Department of English Linguistics & Allied Studies to produce professionals in English linguistics, who can meet local and international needs. We further want to develop their rounded personality to meet present and future challenges in the core and related fields in addition to their social responsibilities.

Brief Profile of the Department

The Department of English Linguistics & Allied Studies at NED University was established in 1977. It has expanded remarkably over the last thirty eight years in terms of faculty, scope of subjects, courses, and the academic and professional activities – a sign of a vibrant academic culture and a dynamic professional community prevailing at the department. The department offers undergraduate courses in all engineering and information technology, basic sciences, management and social sciences, and architecture programmes.

Department Facilities

The department is housed in two spacious buildings consisting of two large, one lecture theatre, one seminar library and resource room beside faculty and staff offices. The seminar library is being used as a reading room by the MS students, and houses computing and printing facilities for permanent and visiting faculty for academic and research activities.